The music video for “No Right Time,” directed by Charlie Montagut, serves as a poetic metaphor for rebirth. It features a series of colorful tableaux depicting the stages of a spiritual journey—a gradual return to light and peace after a challenging experience. The dreamlike reality shows a character confronting fears and traumas, transforming them from sources of cruelty into allies through their humanity and vulnerability. The film encourages viewers to embrace these aspects and live fully while there is still time.
Director: Charlie Montagut
Production: Ryzom Films Producer: Antoine Szlafmyc Production Assistant: Geoffroy Virgery Production Coordinator: Valentin Joubrel
Cinematography: Clemence Pittillioen , 1st Assistant: Aymeric Beun , Key Grip: Tangui Delahodde, Gaffer: Marc Leyval Electrician: Baptiste Desnues , Make Up Artist: Calypso Sam Sarah Chouam , Hair Stylist: Kevyn Charo , Wardrobe: Charline Prat & Thérèse , Wardrobe Assistant: Kenza-Léa Belaoudja , Set Design: Alexia Merré, Set Design Assistant: Clara Lacassagne , Movement Director: Felicia Dotsé, Editor: Adrien Franke , Grading: Sylvain Canaux ,
Special Thanks to: Pâtisserie Saison, RVZ Paris, Ryzom Studio, Skywatcher Pictures, Laruicci, 3moires, Cem Cinar, Morfium, Diego Guillen, Arristote, Otello, Protokicks, H.I.K, Tribal Hotel, Inails